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One good thing about music. When it hits you. You feel no pain. – Bob Marley

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The city that has my heart and soul

What cities do you want to visit? New York City. I’ve wanted to get into NYU tisch since forever. I love Broadway, do I need to say more?

The death of 2023

I know how cynical that sounds. But bear with me for a minute here. Doesn’t every year wax and wane like the moon? Going by the English calendar, the months are born, umbilical cord attached, screaming and kicking under the Fluorescent hospital lights, in January. January which is still quite cold where I’m from, is…

Just whatever…

So, now that I have you hooked with that thoroughly captivating title, let’s have a talk. Just me and the bountiful audience of three. Recently I’ve been going through a renaissance of sorts. And by that I mean I’m not the wee child I was…let’s see…half a year ago. Has it really been that long…

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Hola, I’m Prady. I write and I sing on key…sometimes

SOMEtimes you gotta put your foot up
just a lil’ bit of sunshine goes a long way
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